Private Equity Investing

We implement a unique, strategic approach above and beyond most private equity funds in how we target, source & operate our private equity investments.

Our unique access to private, off-market deals in the lower middle-market gives our limited partners greater exposure to untapped private equity investment opportunities.

Transaction Types

Target Criteria

What is Private Equity ?

Private equity investments typically implement an active management approach toward private business operations and financing, focusing on internal improvements and financing organic and inorganic growth through further acquisitions.

Most private equity investments involve extended time horizons, focusing on long-term investing results over short-term profits. However, with an active ownership focus combined with financial leverage, private equity investing *can produce higher returns than typically experienced in public equity markets.

*Private investments are risky. Investing in them can cause investors to lose part or all of their investment principal.

Why Us

As an essential element of a balanced investor portfolio, sophisticated private equity investors are seeking differentiation in how their private investments are allocated across various private equity firms.

Limited partner private equity investors are also interested in unique private equity fund structures and private market exposure that matches their specific investment goals, including cash flow profiles, overall fund costs and private equity risk/return objectives.

We take a holistic approach toward private equity firm portfolio allocation, structured to offer solutions that appropriately align with client objectives and deliver on our fund goals. 

We recognize our limited partners can choose among any number of private equity funds. But, we believe we have a unique approach to the market that gives us the upper-hand on sourcing deals that provide alpha. Unlike publicly traded mutual funds, a private equity ETF, other exchange traded funds or even other private and public markets, our approach to the private equity universe is uniquely suited for investors looking for alternative investments to round out a balanced portfolio. 

Our Unique Approach Private Equity

Investor Reporting Portal

With a proprietary reporting portal, investors will receive monthly and quarterly updates as to the status of their investment, giving them a real-time metric for comparing their private equity industry investment to the stock market.

Investor Fees

We align investor fees in a unique way, which differentiates us from most other private equity groups, allowing for a bigger win-win among general and limited partners. We are also flexible on investment waterfalls, investor promotes and interest payments to limited partners.

Unique Deal Sourcing

Most other private equity funds invest similarly (leverage buyout with debt financing and a specific hold period), but their approach toward deal sourcing is not unique. We have a proprietary strategy for sourcing off-market deals.


As active fund managers we partner with like-minded, sophisticated investors, we believe we can forge lasting private partnerships that last well beyond the deals we consummate.

Differentiated Sourcing

Our sourcing process includes access to private and public markets in a proprietary way, allowing access to off-market deals. Our sourcing strategy is core to gaining the upper-hand in achieving alpha for our clients.

Partner Alignment

As true partners in success, our limited partners share in our privileged exposure to off-market opportunities, with a tailored structure, formatting to fit the specific needs of our LPs.

Advanced Analytics

With deep experience in industry analytics and due diligence, our investment platform includes enhanced visibility across various private asset classes, private companies and macro trends for enhanced analysis and education.

Private Equity Firm
Target Criteria & Process

Research & Discovery

We research global private and publicly traded companies, looking for trends and opportunities, as well as alpha among individual private company targets. In doing so, we align the ideal target profile for both our on and off-market target development, seeking the best fit among our potential portfolio companies.


Deep research across our private equity firm target markets, with exposure to directly-sourced deals through our M&A broker platforms at and In addition, our internal private equity firm’s existing company relationships and deal sourcing process allows us to directly source off-market targets. Unlike some smaller private equity funds, our investment sourcing team do not require assistance from outside business development company assistance when seeking target acquired companies. 

Engage Targets

Confidentially connect with and engage targets with an eye toward preparing for management discussions and an eventual transaction among various potential sellers.

Letter of Intent

Present private equity firm target with offer letter via Letter of Intent (LOI), negotiating high-level deal points to be included in closing.

Due Diligence

Work with legal council and accounting to perform enhanced due diligence on target acquisition(s).


Negotiate through the definitive agreement toward a mutually-agreeable closing among buyer and seller. Structure capital stack in preparation for close.

Management Transition

As direct fund managers, our team will work with selling management and sponsor executive management to execute on pre-approved transition plan.

$10 M+


$1 M+


$4 M+


Limited Partner Investors

We partner with institutional and individual accredited investors looking for unique, untapped exposure to middle-market private equity.


Institutional Investors

Sophisticated institutional investors (including hedge funds, venture capital firms, family offices, sovereign wealth funds, pension funds) with equity and debt capital for initial platform acquisition and follow-on investments in profitable, strategic companies.


Individual Investors

Sophisticated, individual, third-party accredited investors looking for exposure in profitable middle-market private equity opportunities.

The Market Opportunity

Small business private equity firms represent an unprecedented and untapped opportunity. Under-tapped private equities and private debt opportunities abound.

  • There are some 30M+ small to medium sized businesses in the United States
  • Roughly 160K fo these businesses produce $10M to $100M in annual revenue
  • But less than 1% of private equity fund assets under management (AUM) target these private companies
Small businesses in the United States represent an $8T (with a “T”) untapped institutional investment opportunity.





Our Unique Approach

By combining proprietary deal origination, data-driven target sourcing & operational expertise our private equity firm’s processes are specifically tailored for generating positive outcomes. 

  • Existing proprietary dealflow from years of online marketing expertise in M&A
  • Big-data deal sourcing that removes investing biases for finding off-market deals
  • Post investment support in finance, sales, marketing & operations

Unlike other private equity firms, we hold we hold a unique position in the market with our proprietary and data-focused access to targeted, profitable company sellers in the lower middle-market. 

A Partner Ecosystem for Success

We seek partnerships with like-minded professional partners, including limited partners and even other private equity firms. 


Limited partner investors who prioritize simple capital structures and thoughtful planning.
  • Patient Institutional Partners
  • Sophisticated Individual Accredited
  • Value-Oriented Vision
  • Aligned Incentives for Growth


We partner with experienced business owners looking for a properly-structured exit
  • Profitable Operations
  • Discernable Value Proposition
  • Stable Revenues & Profitability
  • Seasoned Management


Aligning with seasoned executives with proven track records of operational success.
  • Operational & Executive Experience
  • Subject Matter Expertise
  • Ability to Source & Execute on Growth
  • Aligns with Vision of Investors

Where Human Capital
Meets Financial Capital

We combine the expertise of industry-specific tacit knowledge with the growth capital structure that meets the needs of business buyers and sellers.

Our Target Industries

We focus on internet, software and consumer services companies.

Technology & Internet


Consumer Services


Healthcare & MedTech


Frequently Asked Questions

Learn about our unique approach
Each method of financing carries with it its own version of risk/return trade-off. And depending on the type and timing of an equity investment, investors will require different portions of the company pie. Private equity, venture or angel investments in startups tend to exact greater equity at the outset. Equity investments in later-stage companies represents a smaller risk for the investors and thus a smaller portion of the equity in the business. Private equity at any stage has particular advantages. One of the greatest advantages of obtaining private equity funding is the assistance obtained from equity investors. Equity investors are often experienced and knowledgeable managers who can aid consulting input and assistance to both fledgling and prosperous businesses alike. Unlike debt financing, equity owners are share in the gains and not just the pains of the business cycles. This helps align goals of management and investors to ensure growth occurs. Furthermore, private equity financing takes away the risk of a bank securing your home or other assets as collateral in a loan. This can help alleviate some of the risk of capital procurement from the owner founder. Building outsized returns for individual and institutional investors is what private equity is all about. Some might argue many private equity investments of recent vintage have failed to provide returns commensurate with investor mandates, but there are always outliers and exceptions. Typically private equity investments which perform well have a very tight, developed strategy. They find niches where value is being left on the table and find a way to further maximize theirs and their clients’ goals.
We also operate uniquely when it comes to investor cash flows and carried interest terms. Please contact us to learn more. 
We invest across the middle market. While we are focused on businesses in consumer/business services and those that have a heavy digital component (e.g. software, SaaS & online), our ideal target profile is based heavily on opportunism and our unique ability to source off-market transactions.
Returns vary from fund to fund and from deal to deal. The returns will be heavily dependent on the performance of individual companies and the funds invested in them. Private equity fund investing holds a high degree of risk and, unlike investing in a major stock exchange, returns and performance can be slow to report and may not occur in real-time. 
Our fees align with industry-standard fees for most traditional private equity fund, venture capital fund and venture capital investments for general partners

While we prefer investments of $250K+, individual accredited investors can place a capital minimum of $50K.

Like any other approach to financing, the structure of private equity investment deals can be as broad and diverse as the businesses themselves. Numerous and varied methods exist for funding, growing and buying existing businesses and their assets with private funds. Our partners work strategically with owners in equity financings for a strategic growth, merger and acquisition opportunities, co-investment deals in sponsor-led transactions, add-on investments with debt-augmentation, limited liability partnerships and private placement deals. When determining the type of financing needed (e.g. leveraged buyout), our partners take a holistic approach–assessing industry trends with individual company historical performance.
Our team includes investors and expert operators with invaluable sector experience in the niches in which we and our partners choose to invest. As with most private financiers, our support and help go much deeper than simple capital infusion. Both internal access to tacit knowledge, we dive deep in portfolio companies, providing added lift in terms of business support. In addition, we often sit on the board of the companies we represent, offering priceless insight into potential help with recruitment, operations, finance, operations and brand-building. Our overall goal is scaled, profitable and smart growth, keeping in mind we operate with a low risk-tolerance.
Our existing investors include institutional and individual accredited investors (as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission). With access to a superb network of market influencers, consumer advocates, research institutions and business process experts, our reach expands far beyond our in-house expertise. In addition to maintaining our current network of private equity partnerships, we also continuously seek to expand our scope and scale of partners in various sectors. Current partners consist of current and former entrepreneurs, visionaries, investors and inventors seeking to make in impact on the way consumers and businesses interact within their everyday lives.
Seasoned entrepreneurs with a proven track record of implementation are at the heart of successful companies. We look for businessmen and women who are passionate, have integrity at the core and who can deliver results while changing the world in their own small way. If you have a product or service you are passionate about and feel could benefit from early to late-stage funding, you have come to the right place. If you have what it takes and would like to gauge the fit of our network of experienced and lively entrepreneurs, then reach out. We may be able to build something great together. We recognize great companies are spawned from the creative minds of entrepreneurs. We also recognize that not necessarily every Johnny-come-lately necessary has what it takes to implement an idea and truly have the gumption to persist and succeed. Ideas are important for success in nearly every stage of business development, and frankly, they may change. But where the rubber meets the road, it’s the people that make a venture successful. recognizes your passion and would love to help you succeed.

Jason M. Powell

General Partner, Investor

Jason Powell has extensive experience includes advising businesses, lenders, investors, startups, and real estate investment companies and developers across the United States, on business transactions from formation to exit, acquisition, due diligence, real estate securities offerings, joint ventures, disposition and financing of real estate.